On top of letting unit test suite pass,
running IntegrationTestBigLinkedList (and integration test related to the
feature you modify) regularly is a good practice such that the changes do
not introduce regression.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 2:15 PM, Bryan Beaudreault <bbeaudrea...@hubspot.com
> wrote:

> Hello,
> We've been using CDH community for a few years now, but have reached the
> point where we want to be able to do some development and backporting
> upstream. We'd like to keep the base CDH packaging for consistency, but
> have come up with some automation around building CDH from source RPM, with
> our patches applied.
> I realize this starts to get into the territory of self-support, and we're
> ready for that in the areas we plan to work (mostly around
> reporting/monitoring, for now). But I'd like to know if anyone has any best
> practices for testing that your build of HBase is up to snuff?
> Are the built in unit tests enough? Do you run YCSB? PerformanceEval?
> Something else?
> While we will of course be careful with testing and stressing our own
> changes, I'm also just wanting to make sure that the we are hitting all the
> right places to catch artifacts from the build process or missed upstream
> issues.
> Thanks!

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