See the following from hbase-default.xml


On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 1:05 AM, Daniel <> wrote:

> Hi, I find that the Thrift server will stop responding (the request hangs
> until timeout) when the number of concurrent requests reaches several
> hundred.
> I guess the problem is related to "max worker threads" and "max queued
> requests", according to the following console output on Thrift start:
> 2016-03-17 12:05:08,514 INFO  [main] thrift.ThriftServerRunner: starting
> TBoundedThreadPoolServer on /     with readTimeout 60000ms;
> min worker threads=16, max worker threads=1000, max queued requests=1000
> I'd like to know how to increase "max worker threads" and "max queued
> requests", but cannot find them in the documentation.
> Thanks for any hint.
> Daniel

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