bq. I have been informed

Can you disclose the source of such information ?

For hbase.hstore.compaction.kv.max , hbase-default.xml has:

The maximum number of KeyValues to read and then write in a batch when
flushing or
      compacting. Set this lower if you have big KeyValues and problems
with Out Of Memory
      Exceptions Set this higher if you have wide, small rows.

Is the above description not clear ?


On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 4:32 AM, Sumit Nigam <>

> Hi,
> I have been informed that compacting (manual) the same hbase table takes
> same amount of time even when done in quick succession. This seems
> counter-intuitive because an already compacted table should not take same
> amount of time.
> Also, what is the use of hbase.hstore.compaction.kv.max setting in
> compaction? I am unable to determine its implications on other compaction
> tuning  factors? The default of 10 seems too less.
> Thanks,Sumit

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