Hi Chien,

4. From  50-150k per * second * to 100-150k per * minute *, as stated
above, so reads went *DOWN* significantly. I think you must have

I will take into account some of your other suggestions.



On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Chien Le <chie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some things I would look at:
> 1. Node statistics, both the mapper and regionserver nodes. Make sure
> they're on fully healthy nodes (no disk issues, no half duplex, etc) and
> that they're not already saturated from other jobs.
> 2. Is there a common regionserver behind the remaining mappers/regions? If
> so, try moving some regions off to spread the load.
> 3. Verify the locality of the region blocks to the regionserver. If you
> don't automate major compacts or have moved regions recently, mapper
> locality might not help. Major compact if needed or move regions if you can
> determine source?
> 4. You mentioned that the requests per sec has gone from 50-150k to
> 100-150k. Was that a typo? Did the read rate really increase?
> 5. You've listed the region sizes but was that done with a cursory hadoop
> fs du? Have you tried using the hfile analyzer to verify number of rows and
> sizes are roughly the same?
> 5. profile the mappers. If you can share the task counters for a completed
> and a still running task to compare, it might help find the issue
> 6. I don't think you should underestimate the perf gains of node local
> tasks vs just rack local, especially if short circuit reads are enabled.
> This is a big gamble unfortunately given how far your tasks have been
> running already so I'd look at this as a last resort
> HTH,
> Chien
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Colin Kincaid Williams <disc...@uw.edu>
> wrote:
>> I've noticed that I've omitted
>> scan.setCaching(500);        // 1 is the default in Scan, which will
>> be bad for MapReduce jobs
>> scan.setCacheBlocks(false);  // don't set to true for MR jobs
>> which appear to be suggestions from examples. Still I am not sure if
>> this explains the significant request slowdown on the final 25% of the
>> jobs.
>> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 10:36 PM, Colin Kincaid Williams <disc...@uw.edu>
>> wrote:
>> > Excuse my double post. I thought I deleted my draft, and then
>> > constructed a cleaner, more detailed, more readable mail.
>> >
>> > On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 10:26 PM, Colin Kincaid Williams <disc...@uw.edu>
>> wrote:
>> >> After trying to get help with distcp on hadoop-user and cdh-user
>> >> mailing lists, I've given up on trying to use distcp and exporttable
>> >> to migrate my hbase from .92.1 cdh4.1.3 to .98 on cdh5.3.0
>> >>
>> >> I've been working on an hbase map reduce job to serialize my entries
>> >> and insert them into kafka. Then I plan to re-import them into
>> >> cdh5.3.0.
>> >>
>> >> Currently I'm having trouble with my map-reduce job. I have 43 maps,
>> >> 33 which have finished successfully, and 10 which are currently still
>> >> running. I had previously seen requests of 50-150k per second. Now for
>> >> the final 10 maps, I'm seeing 100-150k per minute.
>> >>
>> >> I might also mention that there were 6 failures near the application
>> >> start. Unfortunately, I cannot read the logs for these 6 failures.
>> >> There is an exception related to the yarn logging for these maps,
>> >> maybe because they failed to start.
>> >>
>> >> I had a look around HDFS. It appears that the regions are all between
>> >> 5-10GB. The longest completed map so far took 7 hours, with the
>> >> majority appearing to take around 3.5 hours .
>> >>
>> >> The remaining 10 maps have each been running between 23-27 hours.
>> >>
>> >> Considering data locality issues. 6 of the remaining jobs are running
>> >> on the same rack. Then the other 4 are split between my other two
>> >> racks. There should currently be a replica on each rack, since it
>> >> appears the replicas are set to 3. Then I'm not sure this is really
>> >> the cause of the slowdown.
>> >>
>> >> Then I'm looking for advice on what I can do to troubleshoot my job.
>> >> I'm setting up my map job like:
>> >>
>> >> main(String[] args){
>> >> ...
>> >> Scan fromScan = new Scan();
>> >> System.out.println(fromScan);
>> >> TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob(fromTableName, fromScan,
>> Map.class,
>> >> null, null, job, true, TableInputFormat.class);
>> >>
>> >> // My guess is this contols the output type for the reduce function
>> >> base on setOutputKeyClass and setOutput value class from p.27 . Since
>> >> there is no reduce step, then this is currently null.
>> >> job.setOutputFormatClass(NullOutputFormat.class);
>> >> job.setNumReduceTasks(0);
>> >> job.submit();
>> >> ...
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> I'm not performing a reduce step, and I'm traversing row keys like
>> >>
>> >> map(final ImmutableBytesWritable fromRowKey,
>> >> Result fromResult, Context context) throws IOException {
>> >> ...
>> >>       // should I assume that each keyvalue is a version of the stored
>> row?
>> >>       for (KeyValue kv : fromResult.raw()) {
>> >>         ADTreeMap.get(kv.getQualifier()).fakeLambda(messageBuilder,
>> >> kv.getValue());
>> >>         //TODO: ADD counter for each qualifier
>> >>       }
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I've also have a list of simple questions.
>> >>
>> >> Has anybody experienced a significant slowdown on map jobs related to
>> >> a portion of their hbase regions? If so what issues did you come
>> >> across?
>> >>
>> >> Can I get a suggestion how to show which map corresponds to which
>> >> region, so I can troubleshoot from there? Is this already logged
>> >> somewhere by default, or is there a way to set this up with the
>> >> TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob ?
>> >>
>> >> Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

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