1.Does Hbase uses ConcurrentskipListMap(CSLM) to store data in memstore?

2.When mwmstore is flushed to HDFS- does it dump the memstore
Concurrentskiplist as Hfile2? Then How does it calculates blocks out of
CSLM and dmp them in HDFS.

3.After dumping the inmemory CSLM of memstore to HFILe does memstore
content is discarded and if while dumping memstore any read request comes
will it be responded by copy of memstore or discard of memstore will be
blocked until read request is completed?

4.When a read request comes does it look in inmemory CSLM and then in
HFile? And what is LogStructuredMerge tree and its usage in Hbase.


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