Were you referring to the following lines ?

          // See HBASE-5094. Cross check with hbase:meta if still this RS
is owning
          // the region.
          Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName> p = MetaReader.getRegion(
              this.catalogTracker, region.getRegionName());

The above is at line 3967 at head of 0.98 branch.

If you can come up with test which shows the problem for head of 0.98
branch, suggest opening a JIRA.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 2:16 AM, WangYQ <wangyongqiang0...@163.com> wrote:

> in hbase 0.98.10,
> class HRegionServer
> method openRegion
> line 3827
> when RS open region, if this region is already opened by RS, we will check
> hbase:meta to see if hbase:meta is updated.
> but, if the RS is opening hbase:meta, then MetaReader.getRegion will
> return null(we do not store hbase:meta data in table hbase:meta), and lead
> to nullPointerException
> we can reproduce this problem as follows:
> 1. master assign hbase:meta
> 2. RS open hbase:meta slowly, master timeout(may because of high load or
> network problem),
> 3. master send open region request again(RS is still opening hbase:meta,
> and opened)
> 4. RS will throw NullPointerException and hmaster will retry forever

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