Hello Ted,

the first 2 commands interact with the HBase Master and the third command
needs to get the splits from Meta, probably the exception is coming from
there but its can you retry the commands but this time launching the hbase
shell with the -d flag? e.g. "hbase shell -d" that should give us a better
idea where that connection refused is coming from.


Cloudera, Inc.

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Ted <r6squee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi I'm running hbase 1.2.1 and I'm getting an error trying to setup
> replication.
> I have 2 hbase systems running fine,
> I can connect from both to each other via ssh and on all ports as there's
> no firewall (this is just a test system).
> I can connect from the source to the destination ZK on port 2181
> When I try to enable replication though I get "ERROR: Connection refused"
> with no other helpful information anywhere.
> ---
>     hbase(main):002:0> create 'test', 'cf'
>     0 row(s) in 2.5390 seconds
>     => Hbase::Table - test
>     hbase(main):003:0> add_peer 'vm2', "vm2:2181:/hbase"
>     0 row(s) in 0.1830 seconds
>     hbase(main):004:0> enable_table_replication 'test'
>     ERROR: Connection refused
>     Here is some help for this command:
>     Enable a table's replication switch.
>     Examples:
>       hbase> enable_table_replication 'table_name'
>     hbase(main):005:0>
> ---
> There's no errors on the source logs, no log entries written at all during
> the enable call.
> On the destination logs there are also no errors.
> If I do a "zk_dump" on the destination, I can see the source is actually
> connected.
> No replication is taking place, and other than that "error: connection
> refused", I see no error messages.
> Anyone with any ideas on what and where it's trying to connect to? and why
> it's being refused?
> --
> Ted.

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