Remove the double quotes and try single quote.  Double quotes refers to an 

John Leach

> On Oct 5, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this Hbase table already populated
> create 'tsco','stock_daily'
> and populated using
> $HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv
> -Dimporttsv.separator=',' -Dimporttsv.columns="HBASE_ROW_KEY,
> stock_info:stock,stock_info:ticker,stock_daily:Date,stock_daily:open,stock_daily:high,stock_daily:low,stock_daily:close,stock_daily:volume"
> tsco hdfs://rhes564:9000/data/stocks/tsco.csv
> This works OK. In Hbase I have
> hbase(main):176:0> scan 'tsco', LIMIT => 1
> ROW                                                    COLUMN+CELL
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:Date, timestamp=1475525222488, value=1-Apr-08
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:close, timestamp=1475525222488, value=405.25
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:high, timestamp=1475525222488, value=406.75
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:low, timestamp=1475525222488, value=379.25
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:open, timestamp=1475525222488, value=380.00
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:stock, timestamp=1475525222488, value=TESCO PLC
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:ticker, timestamp=1475525222488, value=TSCO
> TSCO-1-Apr-08
> column=stock_daily:volume, timestamp=1475525222488, value=49664486
> In Phoenix I have a view "tsco" created on Hbase table as follows:
> 0: jdbc:phoenix:rhes564:2181> create view "tsco" (PK VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY,
> "stock_daily"."Date" VARCHAR, "stock_daily"."close" VARCHAR,
> "stock_daily"."high" VARCHAR, "stock_daily"."low" VARCHAR,
> "stock_daily"."open" VARCHAR, "stock_daily"."ticker" VARCHAR,
> "stock_daily"."stock" VARCHAR, "stock_daily"."volume" VARCHAR)
> So all good.
> This works
> 0: jdbc:phoenix:rhes564:2181> select "Date","volume" from "tsco" limit 2;
> +-----------+-----------+
> |   Date    |  volume   |
> +-----------+-----------+
> | 1-Apr-08  | 49664486  |
> | 1-Apr-09  | 24877341  |
> +-----------+-----------+
> 2 rows selected (0.011 seconds)
> However, I don't seem to be able to use where clause!
> 0: jdbc:phoenix:rhes564:2181> select "Date","volume" from "tsco" where
> "Date" = "1-Apr-08";
> Error: ERROR 504 (42703): Undefined column. columnName=1-Apr-08
> (state=42703,code=504)
> org.apache.phoenix.schema.ColumnNotFoundException: ERROR 504 (42703):
> Undefined column. columnName=1-Apr-08
> Why does it think a predicate "1-Apr-08" is a column.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn * 
> <>*
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