Have you taken jstack for the slow scans ?

If so, can you pastebin the stack trace ?

1.0.0 is quite old. 

Any chance of upgrading to 1.2 release ?


> On Oct 10, 2016, at 2:04 AM, 陆巍 <luwei...@163.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I met with a problem where the scan perfoamance decreases over time.
> Hbase connections are kept in a data access service (in tomcat), and there 
> are table scan operations. The scan performance for each scan batch(~10 
> parallel scan) increases as below:
> day    avg. cost(ms)
> 1    56.213115
> 2    43.697054
> 3    36.925063
> 4    50.683257
> 5    62.749022
> 6    84.943314
> 7    92.237783
> 8    94.452549
> 9    103.853937
> 10    114.725657
> 11    128.601287
> The time cost for each remote scan batch is now over 100ms.
> In order to make sure Hbase cluster is fine, I started another same data 
> access service, but find the time cost is around 30ms. So, I think hbase 
> cluster is fine and the problem is in the data access service, which is the 
> client of hbase.
> I do believe there is some resource missed to release, but really have no 
> idea where it is.
> I am using hbase 1.0.0-chd5.5.1.
> Here is the code:
> // the connection is created as a static instance:
> connection=ConnectionFactory.createConnection(getConfiguration())
> // scan logic for each remote call
> try {
>  Table table = connection.getTable(tableName);
>  rs = table.getScanner(scan);
> } finally {
>  rs.close();
>  table.close();
> }
> Thanks,
> Wei

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