hi, folks,

I am trying to setup a simple development environment on my Mac Book. And
like to have multiple instances of HBases, for some testing of replication,
backup. etc. And wondering there is any instruction to setup for multiple
instances(not the VM/container way).

Here is what I did so far. Install one through homebrew, and build another
one from source code.

To make my life easier, I setup the following alias:
/* first HBase, is installed by homebrew and using HDFS as storage, by
specify hbase.rootdir */
alias hDFSHBaseShell='/usr/local/bin/hbase shell'
alias startHDFSHBase='/usr/local/bin/start-hbase.sh'
alias stopHDFSHBase='/usr/local/bin/stop-hbase.sh'

/* 2nd HBase, is build locally from git clone, and using localfile system
as storage */
/* changed HBASE_PID_DIR in hbase-env.sh to avoid conflict with the first
alias localHBaseShell='/Users/demai/hbase/bin/hbase shell'
alias startLocalHBase='/Users/demai/hbase/bin/start-hbase.sh'
alias stopLocalHBase='/Users/demai/hbase/bin/stop-hbase.sh'

Still, it is not enough as the start/stop hbase will only bring up on
instance, and bring it down regardless which stop-hbase.sh I used. I guess
more port configuration, like describe there :
need to change in hbase-site.xml?

Before, I go down the manually port configuration route. Just wondering
whether anyone already done it? To save me some time of random shooting....

Many thanks. BTW, I did a bit google using 'multiple hbase instances', but
search results doesn't exactly match this environment.


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