For branch-1.1, since there would be more releases in the foreseeable future, 
it makes sense to publish its own site. 

> On Nov 6, 2016, at 9:23 PM, Yu Li <> wrote:
> We do have an hbase book for 0.94 specially:
>, and it might be a good question
> that shall we supply similar website of different branches for user or
> always require them to generate the site by themselves? Current hbase book (
> contains some new features only for 2.0
> (plz correct me if I'm wrong) so might not be proper for all users to refer
> to?
> btw, if plan to use branch-1.1 release, I'd suggest to use versions later
> than (including) 1.1.4 because of HBASE-14460 (
>, which fixes performance
> regression), JFYI @Rajeshkumar
> Best Regards,
> Yu
>> On 7 November 2016 at 13:06, Ted Yu <> wrote:
>> I actually run the (modified) command in your first email quite often -
>> when building tar balls for cluster testing.
>> In that case, site goal is not used.
>> Cheers
>>> On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 8:44 PM, Josh Elser <> wrote:
>>> In hindsight, you're probably right, Ted. I was just copying from the
>> book
>>> and forgot to remove that execution :)
>>> Ted Yu wrote:
>>>> If I am not mistaken, the 'assembly:single' goal is not needed for
>>>> building
>>>> the site.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Josh Elser<>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I don't believe all versions of Javadoc are published on the website.
>>>>> Something similar to the following should build it for you locally.
>>>>> 1. git checkout rel/1.1.1
>>>>> 2. `mvn clean install -DskipTests javadoc:aggregate site
>> assembly:single`
>>>>> Rajeshkumar J wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>   We are moving from hbase 0.94 to hbase 1.1.1. Some methods of hbase
>>>>>> 0.94
>>>>>> are deprecated for hbase 1.1.1. So can anyone post me the link for Api
>>>>>> documentation for Hbase version 1.1.1 as I can't find that.
>>>>>> Thanks

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