I forgot to mention I'm using hbase-bin 1.2.4.


On 13/11/2016 00:09, Olaf Marzocchi wrote:
I tested HBase with OpenTSDB some time ago on OS X locally and the
quickstart guide worked perfectly, merged with
http://opentsdb.net/setup-hbase.html where necessary.

I tried yesterday to do the same on my OmniOS/illumos server and I
encountered issues with HBase.

First of all I set "JAVA_HOME=/usr/java" in "conf/hbase-env.sh".

$ /usr/java/bin/java -version
openjdk version "1.7.0_101"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_101-b00)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 24.101-b00, mixed mode)

I edited also "hbase-site.xml":


I then launched "bin/start-hbase.sh" and it quits apparently normally. A
directory "/export/home/olaf/zookeeper" appeared, but no

$ ls -l /export/home/olaf/
drwxrwxr-x   3 olaf     olaf           3 Nov 12 01:16 zookeeper

I also checked with prstat ("top") and I see that java is taking a full
CPU. After some minutes it's still crunching something.
If I launch "./bin/hbase shell" it never gets to "hbase(main):001:0>".
At this point the only way is to kill -9 both java processes: the stop
script doesn't work, it outputs dots forever.

I uploaded the two log files (.log and .out) to Pastebin:

I'm not sure where to begin with the debugging, since I did no
customisation at all and I don't see any error logged.

I would be grateful for some help.


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