Can you provide a bit more detail ?

version of hbase (hadoop)
tail of master log when the auto-stop happened (use pastebin - attachment
may not go through)


On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 6:02 PM, QI Congyun <>

> Hi,
> Here is a micro full distributed HBase running subsystem, total 3 virtual
> hosts are involved. One is master server hosting namenode, resource manager
> and Hmaster, the other hosts are datanode, nodemanager, and Hregionserver.
> The HBASE root directory is define at "hdfs://master:8020/hbase".
> I'm very bewildered that when restart the Hbase every time, the HBASE root
> directory must be cleared and deleted, otherwise the HMaster server would
> stopped automatically even though re-start the HBase once again.
> I wonder if my HBASE configuration has something wrong.
> Thanks.

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