Behind the scenes, the ClientScanner is buffering results from the previous RPC. Ignoring multiple RegionServers for now, the caching value denotes the number of records that were fetched by the ClientScanner in an RPC. When the buffered results are consumed by your client, a new RPC will be made to fetch another 100 rows.

Thus, larger scanner caching values reduces the number of RPCs the ClietnScanner object will make; however, it increases the length of the RPC itself (as it takes longer to aggregate a larger number of rows to return).

Rajeshkumar J wrote:
I have hbase.client.scanner.caching as 100.  I am scanning a table. For
instance say we have 500 rows matching for the current scan. When I give
the statement what will happen? whether it will return
100 rows for each next operation or something else


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