
Tuning HBase performance I've found a lot of settings which affect
compaction process (off-peak hours, time between compactions, compaction
ratio, region sizes, etc.). They all seem to be useful and there are
recommendations in the doc saying which values to set. But I found no way
to assess how they actually affect my cluster performance, i.e. how much
resources is taken by compaction and when. I would like to figure out which
settings work best for my dataset and my specific workload but with only
general recommendations in hand it seems difficult to do.

For example, I have difficulties answering the following questions:
* can I shorten my off-peak hours range?
* can I afford to do compactions more often? or more aggressively?
* how much degrades my performance if region size is becoming too large?

HBase version I'm using is 1.1.2


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