Some specificity (as I still remember it too vividly)

Our Sean got this one fixed for 2.6.1, and would by why using HDFS transparent encryption with 2.6.0 will flat-out not work :)

On 8/18/17 1:35 PM, Ted Yu wrote:
Please see the 'Hadoop 2.6.x' bullet under


On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Saad Mufti <> wrote:


I'm looking for some guidance as our security team is requiring us to
implement encryption of our HBase data at rest and in motion. I'm reading
the docs and doing research and the choice seems to be between doing it at
the HBase level or the more general HDFS level.

I am leaning towards HDFS level as there is some other data that is derived
from HBase in HDFS and it would be nice to have that encrypted as well.
Once set up the encryption is supposed to transparent to clients. We're
still at HBase 1.0 level, we're using a Cloudera 5.5 based distribution but
no commercial license. For reasons I won't go into upgrading is not an
option in the short term and we need to implement encryption before that

But I have a warning in a google groups somewhere (can't find it anymore)
that warns that HDFS level encryption doesn't play well with HBase if on
Hadoop 2.6.x, which we're at. Does anyone know the specific issue, or if
there is a specific ticket I can look at to see if our Hadoop distro
includes that fix?

Also, out of the box the Key Management Server included in Hadoop is based
on a simple file based Java Keystore and there are warnings that it is not
suitable for production environments. Cloudera has their own proprietary
KMS but we don't have a license to it. Can anyone share what groups that
use pure open source distros are using as their KMS when implementing
encryption in production environments?

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.


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