You may find Apache Phoenix to be of use as you explore your requirements.

Phoenix provides a much higher-level API which provides logic to build composite rowkeys (e.g. primary key constraints over multiple columns) for you automatically. This would help you iterate much faster as you better understand the storage and query requirements of your application.

On 8/30/17 8:21 AM, deepaksharma25 wrote:
I am new to HBase DB and currently evaluating it for one of the requirement
we have from Customer.
We are going to write TBs of data in HBase daily and we need to fetch
specifc data based on filter.
I came to know that it is very important to design the row key in such a
manner, so that it effectively uses it to fetch the data from the specific
node instead of scanning thru all the records in the database, based on the
type of row key we design.
The problem with our requirement is that, we don't have any specific field
which can be used to define the rowkey. We have around 7-8 fields available
on the frontend, which can be used to filter the records from HBase.
Can you please suggest, what should be the design of my row key, which will
help in faster retrieval of the data from TBs of data?
Attaching here the sample screen I am referring in this
<> .
Deepak Sharma

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