Hi Team,

Currently I am trying to use MultipleColumnPrefixFilter along with
SingleColumnValueFilter and the results  that I am getting seems to be

I have an hbase table "test_messages" with column family  "main" and Column
Qualifiers as : "pa", "cs" ,"eps","cst","ver","nm","parl".
Assume all the row Keys of the table  has all the above columns.

Now When I am creating Filters as below:

FilterList temp=new FilterList(FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL);

SingleColumnValueFilter filter1= new SingleColumnValueFilter("main"
,"pa",CompareFilter.CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes("SomeValue"));
filter1 .setFilterIfMissing(true);

SingleColumnValueFilter filter2= new SingleColumnValueFilter("main"
,"cs",CompareFilter.CompareOp.EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes("SomeValue"));

SingleColumnValueFilter filter3= new SingleColumnValueFilter("main"
,eps",CompareFilter.CompareOp.EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes("SomeValue"));

Case 1:

MultipleColumnPrefixFilter cpfxf=new MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(new
byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("pa"),Bytes.toBytes("cs"),Bytes.toBytes("eps")});

The above filters results in proper extratcion of data from Hbase.

Now if I create a MultipleColumnPrefixFilter  as below:

Case 2:
MultipleColumnPrefixFilter cpfxf=new MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(new
byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("pa"),Bytes.toBytes("eps")});        //Note "cs" is

I don't get any data

However if I create a filter as

Case 3:
MultipleColumnPrefixFilter cpfxf=new MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(new
byte[][]{ Bytes.toBytes("pa"),Bytes.toBytes("cs")});              // Note
"eps" is removed and "cs"  is added back.

I get lot of data.

EIther both Case 2 and Case 3 should give data or none of them.
Can someone Explain me the reason for this to happen ? Or is there a bug in
MultipleColumnPrefixFilter .

Vikash Agarwal

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