Dear HBase Community,

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce my open source project AntsDB. 
It is a database virtualization software that brings MySQL compatibility to 
HBase. It means you can use any MySQL bindings such as JDBC, ODBC, PHP, Perl to 
manipulate data in HBase. It supports most MySQL DDLs and all DMLs, transaction 
control, table locks, row locks etc. Up to date applications such as MySQL 
console, MySQL command lines, BenchmarkSQL, MediaWiki, SonarQube, DBeaver, 
SquirrelSQL and many others can run directly on HBase using AntsDB layer. The 
project is hosted at

AntsDB is designed to support high concurrency, low latency applications. It 
uses local storage as cache so it can further reduce the latency of HBase. We 
have benchmarked AntsDB using YCSB. The result is at

People always ask me how it is different from Phoenix. While Phoenix is 
building a powerful SQL layer for HBase, we want to focus on backward 
compatibility. We want to have applications built for MySQL can be used 
directly on HBase. And people who are familiar with traditional relational 
database can adopt HBase/Hadoop stack with ease.

I’d be very glad if you find the project is useful and your feedback is very 


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