Yep, you got it :)

Easy doc fix we can get in place.

On 5/14/18 2:25 PM, Kevin Risden wrote:
Looks like this might have triggered

Kevin Risden

On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 8:46 AM, Kevin Risden <> wrote:

We are using HDP 2.5 with HBase 1.2.x. We think we found that the PUT vs
POST documentation on the HBase book [1] website is incorrect.

POST - Create a new table, or replace an existing table’s schema
PUT - Update an existing table with the provided schema fragment

This contradicts what is in the original HBase 1.2 API javadocs [2].

PUT /<table>/schema
POST /<table>/schema
Uploads table schema. PUT or POST creates table as necessary. PUT fully
replaces schema. POST modifies schema (add or modify column family). Supply
the full table schema for PUT or a well formed schema fragment for POST in
the desired encoding. Set Content-Type header to text/xml if the desired
encoding is XML. Set Content-Type header to application/json if the desired
encoding is JSON. Set Content-Type header to application/x-protobuf if the
desired encoding is protobufs. If not successful, returns appropriate HTTP
error status code. If successful, returns HTTP 200 status.

The result of the two conflicting documentation pages is that PUT either
updates or replaces and POST either updates or replaces the table schema.
This can cause problems like setting the table max versions back to the
default of 1.

Does this make sense? Is it possible the documentation is incorrect here?

The newest versions of HBase apidocs point to the HBase book. I have not
checked if the behavior changed between HBase versions.


Kevin Risden

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