Hi All,

HBaseConAsia2018[1] will be held on Aug. 17th in Beijing, China, and the
call for proposals is still open[2]. So far we have received proposals from
many big companies like Alibaba/Xiaomi/Huawei/DiDi/Intel/Pintrest etc. and
we are expecting more!


This year we don't only have track on HBase internal (dev&ops), but also on
HBase ecology/solution/applications. We encourage all users building
solution/application on top of HBase to contribute a talk[3] and share your
experience. We are also preparing some live broadcasting so the
presentation could probably receive far more audience.


Currently only abstracts are required for PC to review and if accepted
there should be enough time to prepare the presentation. And we hope the
abstracts/slides written in English but not required, so please don't be
blocked by language.


More details please refer to our official website[1]. Thanks and please
start submitting your talks!


- Yu (on behalf of the HBase PMC)

[1] https://hbase.apache.org/hbaseconasia-2018/
[2] *https://easychair.org/cfp/hbaseconasia-2018
[3] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hbaseconasia2018

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