thanks Josh,

My application leave the timestamp as default, so each put/delete should
have timestamp generated by HBase itself. I was thinking there is a way to
get the last timestamp.
But think it again, yes you are right, the data is sorted by rowkey, so
there is no quick way to get the biggest timestamp without a full scan, or
at least scan the memstore, the last row must be in memstore.
But there is no such API client can invoke.

Let me think it again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Elser <> 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: how to get the last row inserted into a hbase table

Unless you are including the date+time in the rowKey yourself, no.

HBase has exactly one index for fast lookups, and that is the rowKey. 
Any other query operation is (essentially) an exhaustive search.

On 7/11/18 12:07 PM, Ming wrote:
> Hi, all,
> Is there a way to get the last row put/delete into a HBase table?
> In other words, how can I tell the last time a HBase table is changed? I
> trying to check the HDFS file stats, but HBase has memstore, so that is
> a good way, and HFile location is internal to HBase.
> My purpose is to quickly check the last modified timestamp for a given
> table.
> Thanks,
> Ming

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