Thanks Ted.

The log says " missing table descriptor for

[AM.ZK.Worker-pool2-t6552] master.RegionStates: Failed to open/close
ba912582f295f7ac0b83e7e419351602  set to FAILED_OPEN"

The version of hbase is 1.3.1



On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 2:28 PM Ted Yu <> wrote:

> Do you have access to master / region logs for when FAILED_OPEN state was
> noticed ?
> There should be some hint there as to why some region couldn't open.
> The length of table DDL is related to number of regions the table has. But
> the length should be less related to data amount.
> Which version of hbase are you using ?
> Thanks
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 2:22 PM Antonio Si <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have a table which is stuck in FAILED_OPEN state. So, we planned to
> drop
> > the table and re-clone the table from an old snapshot. We disabled the
> > table, but the disable procedure has been running for more than 20 hrs.
> >
> > I went to hbase shell and found out "is_disabled" and "is_enabled" both
> > return false. Is that a normal behavior since the table is in the middle
> of
> > being disabled?
> >
> > Is it normal that the disable took that many hours even though the table
> is
> > large in size (about 33TB)?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Antonio.
> >

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