Hey Austin,

It sounds like you are asking about read availability in the case where a
primary cluster becomes unhealthy?

In that case, you should look at the HBase on S3 Read Replica clusters
feature[1][2]. This allows for High availability reads if the primary
cluster becomes unhealthy.

Let me know if I misinterpreted your ask!



> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Austin Heyne <ahe...@ccri.com>
>> Date: Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 8:30 AM
>> Subject: HA master on EMR
>> To: <user@hbase.apache.org>
>> HBase on EMR is fairly reliable but is still subject to hardware
>> failures (which has happened to me before). Is there a best practice for
>> adding backup masters to an EMR cluster?
>> I know this isn't technically a supported feature from AWS but we're
>> already heavily invested into HBase on EMR and would like to investigate
>> options on mitigating the risk of a master failure. In EMR if the master
>> dies the entire cluster is terminated so we need fail over for HBase,
>> Hadoop/HDFS and Zookeeper. The one idea that I've had is to create a
>> second (or third) EMR cluster with its HBase, Zookeeper and Hadoop/HDFS
>> configuration pointed to the primary cluster. This would in effect add
>> the RegionServers and Datanodes to the primary cluster. I know that
>> loosing 1/3 to 1/2 of your Datanodes would most likely mean you would
>> loose some WALs but re-ingesting the last days worth of data is
>> acceptable trade off for us in exchange for not having downtime.
>> I realize this is a slightly crazy idea and using something like
>> Kubernetes is the 'correct' solution but I have to work with what we
>> have and mitigate possible issues. My question is are there any big
>> issues that anyone would foresee us having with this idea?
>> Thanks for the feedback,
>> Austin

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