Hi Nick,

We have been running HBase 1.x ( now HBase 1.2 ) in EC2 for many years now.
We don't have a lot of data (~60GB). We made the following adjustments over
a period of time. We use CDH to deploy our cluster.

I am not an HBase expert so please use this numbers at your own risk.


Hbase configuration > Region Server > HBase Region Server Lease Period = 10
minutes ( default is 1 minute )
zookeeper configuration >  Server > Maximum Session timeout > 600000
same change on zookeeper as well.

To increase regionserver heap size for outofmemoryerror etc:
HBase> Configuration > Resource Management > Java Heap Size of HBase
RegionServer in Bytes

On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 5:48 PM Nick Dimiduk <ndimi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Heya,
> I'm wondering if anyone has published any recent experiences of running
> Apache HBase (not EMR, not MapR) on EC2. Specifically, I'm looking for
> configuration tweaks necessary for HBase (1.0+), HDFS (2.7+), Zookeeper
> (3.4+). Maybe you know of specific talks or blog posts?
> Thanks a lot,
> Nick

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