
I was recently trying to install and run hbase with my hadoop installation
and was wanting to report the following error I ran into and how I was able
to solve it...

Hadoop Version: Hadoop 3.1.2
Hbase Version: 2.1.5

I was able to get Hbase up and running and bring up the Hbase shell. I was
able to successfully run a 'list' command right off the bat but when I
tried to run a 'create' command I would get the following error....

[image: image.png]
I would also get the following error in my regionserver logs...
[image: image.png]
I found from your guy's git hub (
a related error with FSHLog to add the following to the hbase config file...


After adding that, and resetting hbase the error not longer occurred.

Thank you guys for your help, just wanted to report this in case it is
useful :)


Rebekah Kambara

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