At 2019-06-27 16:24:50, "Guillermo Ortiz Fernández" 
<guillermo.ortiz.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I'm trying to insert a record in HBase. I have a docker cloudera
>quickstarter image.
>I can connect to zookeeper and hbase port from my machine to the docker
>expose ports with telnet (2181, 60000, 60010).
>I have included in the classpath the files hbase-site, core-site,
>When the put is executed the program stays blocked. Why?
>*TableName nameTable = TableName.valueOf(NAMETABLE);  Connection conn =
>ConnectionFactory.createConnection(config);  hTable =
>conn.getTable(nameTable);   Put p = new
>--> blocked*

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