Thank you Misty for your years of service (FYI, for non-PMCers, the reports
Misty wrote to the Apache Board on our behalf were repeatedly called out
for their quality and thoughtfulness).

Duo Zhang, thank you for taking on the mantle.


On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 10:46 AM Misty Linville <> wrote:

> Each Apache project has a project management committee (PMC) that oversees
> governance of the project, votes on new committers and PMC members, and
> ensures that the software we produce adheres to the standards of the
> Foundation. One of the roles on the PMC is the PMC chair. The PMC chair
> represents the project as a Vice President of the Foundation and
> communicates to the board about the project's health, once per quarter and
> at other times as needed.
> It's been my honor to serve as your PMC chair since 2017, when I took over
> from Andrew Purtell. I've decided to step back from my volunteer ASF
> activities to leave room in my life for other things. The HBase PMC
> nominated Duo for this role, and Duo has kindly agreed! The board passed
> this resolution in its meeting yesterday[1] and it is already official[2].
> Congratulations, Duo, and thank you for continuing to honor the project
> with your dedication.
> Misty
> [1] The minutes have not yet posted at the time of this email, but will be
> available at
> [2]

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