That's expected behaviour [1]. If you are "travelling to the future", you
need to do a delete specifying Long.MAX_VALUE timestamp as the timestamp
optional parameter in the delete operation [2], if you don't specify
timestamp on the delete, it will assume current time for the delete marker,
which will be smaller than the Long.MAX_VALUE set to your cells, so scans
wouldn't filter it.


Em qua., 29 de abr. de 2020 às 08:57, Alexander Batyrshin <>

>  Hello all,
> We had faced with strange situation: table has rows with Long.MAX_VALUE
> timestamp.
> These rows impossible to delete, because DELETE mutation uses
> System.currentTimeMillis() timestamp.
> Is there any way to delete these rows?
> We use HBase-1.4.10
> Example:
> hbase(main):037:0> scan 'TRACET', { ROWPREFIXFILTER => "\x0439d58wj434dd",
> RAW=>true, VERSIONS=>10}
> ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL
>  \x0439d58wj434dd                                   column=d:_0,
> timestamp=9223372036854775807, value=x
> hbase(main):045:0* delete 'TRACET', "\x0439d58wj434dd", "d:_0"
> 0 row(s) in 0.0120 seconds
> hbase(main):046:0> scan 'TRACET', { ROWPREFIXFILTER => "\x0439d58wj434dd",
> RAW=>true, VERSIONS=>10}
> ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL
>  \x0439d58wj434dd                                   column=d:_0,
> timestamp=9223372036854775807, value=x
>  \x0439d58wj434dd                                   column=d:_0,
> timestamp=1588146570005, type=Delete
> hbase(main):047:0> delete 'TRACET', "\x0439d58wj434dd", "d:_0",
> 9223372036854775807
> 0 row(s) in 0.0110 seconds
> hbase(main):048:0> scan 'TRACET', { ROWPREFIXFILTER => "\x0439d58wj434dd",
> RAW=>true, VERSIONS=>10}
> ROW                                                          COLUMN+CELL
>  \x0439d58wj434dd                                   column=d:_0,
> timestamp=9223372036854775807, value=x
>  \x0439d58wj434dd                                   column=d:_0,
> timestamp=1588146678086, type=Delete
>  \x0439d58wj434dd                                   column=d:_0,
> timestamp=1588146570005, type=Delete

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