Hi Atul questions about Phoenix support is better done through the apache 
phoenix mailing lists.  Depending on you use patterns Phoenix may or may not 
perform better than only Hbase.  I'm happy to invite you to the apache phoenix 
slack as well if you reach out to me though you are more likely to hit a wider 
audience in user@phoenix.

Daniel Wong

On 2021/08/22 10:34:28, "Gupta, Atul" <atul.gu...@lowes.com> wrote: 
> Hi HBASE PMC Members.
> Greeting!
> We are one of the active users of HBASE and Phoenix. There are number of 
> HBASE RT/Batch use cases are running in Lowes. I’m owning platform team, so 
> my team is responsible for maintaining and support the HBASE business use 
> cases.
> In last few months we are facing number of challenges due to read/write 
> latencies.  I have reached out directly to PMC members, and everyone has 
> suggested me to write to user mail group.
> We are writing data into HBASE using Phoenix which is I guess not a 
> recommended method if someone is looking for high throughput. Do we have any 
> document regarding this? Also, what are Phoenix limitations if any?
> Do we have SLACK channel which I can join to clarify my some of doubts 
> quickly?
> Looking for your quick response on this.
> Thanks,
> Atul Gupta
> Sr. Director, Data Engineering
> Lowes
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