Hi Michael!

I have to give you the "default" HBase, but defer you to the Hadoop community (or someone from there who is paying attention to this list) for the precise answer.

The question you are asking is: does the binary compatibility of Hadoop jars changes between Hadoop 3.1.2 and 3.3.0. The short answer is "maybe".

In general, within one Hadoop major version, the likelihood of a change which breaks binary compatibility [1] is relatively low. However, "low" is not "none". If you're doing this on a local environment or a dev system, you're probably OK. I would definitely recommend you recompile HBase if you're using it for a production system. You wouldn't want to be chasing a fix for this if it manifests in a subtle/strange manner.

- Josh

[1] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-13.html

On 12/20/21 11:01 AM, Michael Wohlwend wrote:
Hello all,

I have hadoop 3.1.2 running, with hbase 2.1.4

If I want to update to hadoop 3.3.0,  is it sufficient to replace all the hadoop
3.1.2 jars in the hbase folder tree with the 3.3.0 version?
Or do I have to make a new hbase build?

Thanks for answering

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