(I sent the mail title in Korean for the first time. I'm so sorry.)


Recently, java.util.regex in the Regex filter (RegexStringComparator) had
been running forever.
It is said that java.util.regex can run forever or stack overflow in the
worst case.

Looking at RegexStringComparator, I saw that two regex implementations
(java, joni) were provided.
I was wondering if anyone has experience in changing the regex engine
in RegexStringComparator to joni and operating it.

Best Regards,

On 2022/06/27 04:37:11 Minwoo Kang wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently, java.util.regex in the Regex filter (RegexStringComparator) had
> been running forever.
> It is said that java.util.regex can run forever or stack overflow in the
> worst case.
> Looking at RegexStringComparator, I saw that two regex implementations
> (java, joni) were provided.
> I was wondering if anyone has experience in changing the regex engine
> in RegexStringComparator to joni and operating it.
> Best Regards,
> Minwoo

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