Udo writes:

> https://hbase.apache.org/book.html#data.block.encoding.types contains
> a detailed description of compression in HBase. The final solution for
> us was to configure the snappy codec in hbase-site.xml:
> <property>
>     <name>hbase.io.compress.snappy.codec</name>
> <value>org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress.aircompressor.SnappyCodec</value>
> </property>

Thanks - we didn't have the codec defined explicitly previously and
Snappy worked with the native libraries, but it seems to be mandatory
to configure it now.

It works for me explicitly setting either .aircompressor. or .xerial.
now - so that's a nice solution :-)

  Thanks for the tip!


 "How come we play war and not peace?"                      Adam Sjøgren
 "Too few role models."                                a...@koldfront.dk

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