Thanks a ton - That worked like a charm. I have been struggling with this
the whole day! I did not need to specify auxlib or auxpath - Just putting
the 3 Hive/HBase jars in the HADOOP_HOME/lib on the remote job server worked
fine. Btw if I use ADD JAR from hive will that obviate the need to put the
jars in HADOOP_HOME/lib

I guess this is not the ideal scenario - but at least I can proceed.


On 16 March 2011 22:29, Edward Capriolo <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Abhijit Sharma
> <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to connect the hive shell running on my laptop to a remote
> > hadoop / hbase cluster and test out the HBase/Hive integration. I manage
> to
> > connect and create the table in hbase from remote Hive shell. I am also
> > passing the auxpath parameter to the shell (specifying the Hive/HBase
> > integration related jars). In addition I have copied over these files to
> > HDFS as well (I am using the user name hadoop - so the jars are stored in
> > HDFS under /user/hadoop).
> > However when  I fire a query on the HBase table - select * from h1 where
> > key=12; - the map reduce job launches but the map task fails with the
> > following error:
> > ----
> >
> > Cannot create an instance of InputSplit class =
> >
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSplit:org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSplit
> >       at
> >
> >       at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runOldMapper(
> >       at
> >       at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(
> >
> > ----
> > This basically indicates that the Mapper task is unable to locate the
> > Hive/HBase storage handler that it requires when running. This happens
> even
> > though this has been specified in the auxpath and uploaded to HDFS.
> > Any ideas/pointers/debug options on what I might be doing wrong? Any help
> is
> > much appreciated.
> > p.s. the exploded jars do get copied too under the taskTracker directory
> on
> > the cluster node
> > Thanks
> I have seen this error. This is oddness between hadoop,hive, and
> map/reduce classpaths.
> This is what I do
> mkdir hive_home/auxlib
> cp all hive and hbase jars here.
> Also copy the hbase handler jar to auxlib.
> Auxlib get pushed out by the distributed cache each job and you do not
> need to use ADD_JAR XXXX;
> But that is not enough! DOH! Planning the job and getting the splits
> happen before the map tasks are launched.
> For this i drop all the hbase libs in hadoop_home/lib  only on the
> machine that is launching the job.
> You can fiddle around with HADOOP_CLASSPATH and achieve similar results.
> Good luck.


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