Hi Neerja, Ordinarily a POM for the hive-hbase-handler would be available from Cloudera's Maven repository, but it looks like we haven't generated one. We will get this resolved in CDH3u2. You can track progress on this issue here:
https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/DISTRO-286 thrift-fb303-0.5.0.jar (under hive-0.7.0-cdh3u0/lib) > Another issue is that Apache Hive only manages a subset of it's dependencies using Maven/Ivy, and most of the Apache Hive POMs contain incomplete dependency information. The CDH version of Hive will not be able to provide this information until the situation is rectified in the upstream project. Unfortunately, the POM for thrift-fb303-0.5.0 falls into this category -- it doesn't exist. > thrift-0.2.0.jar (under hbase-0.90.1-cdh3u0/lib) > The POM for the thrift-0.2.0.jar is located here: https://repository.cloudera.com/content/repositories/temp-thrift/org/apache/thrift/thrift/0.2.0/thrift-0.2.0.pom Thanks. Carl