If you want to insert data into a partitioned table without specifying the 
partition value, you need to enable dynamic partitioning.
You can use the following switches:

SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;


From: Daniel,Wu [mailto:hadoop...@163.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:30 PM
To: hive
Subject: how to load data to partitioned table

  suppose the table is partitioned by period_key, and the csv file also has a 
column named as period_key. The csv file contains multiple days of data, how 
can we load it in the the table?

I think of an workaround by first load the data into a non-partition table, and 
then insert the data from non-partition table to the partition table.

hive> INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE sales SELECT * FROM sales_temp;
FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: need to specify partition columns because 
the destination table is partitioned.

However it doesn't work also. please help.

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