On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Christian Kurz <crk...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Thanks for the quick reply, Edward
> I am not sure I got you: My HiveService has been started with 
> hive.metastore.local=false.
> So shouldn't it use thrift instead of its own local Derby instance?
> Thanks,
> Christian
> Am 24.08.2011 um 19:33 schrieb Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Christian Kurz <crk...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>  Greetings,
>> could somebody confirm/correct my understanding of a fully distributed
>> Hive setup, please?
>> My setup is as follows
>>    - *Java application using Hive JDBC driver *connects to
>>     - *hive --service hiveserver*, which connects to
>>     - *hive --service metastore*, which uses an embedded Derby database
>>    for metadata storage
>> Please find more details in the image attached.
>> The thing I find confusing is that JVM2 (Hive Server) starts up a Derby
>> database instance. I can see that from the files the JVM has opened.
>> Does anybody know, why the Hive Server needs a Derby instance even though
>> hive-site.xml says: hive.metastore.local=false ?
>> Any hints are much appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Christian
>> btw,
>> I have not been able to access the picture on the 
>> wiki<https://cwiki.apache.org/Hive/adminmanual-metastoreadmin.html#AdminManualMetastoreAdmin-MetastoreDeploymentOptionsinPictures>.
>> ("Not permitted"; even though I have registered on the wiki)
> hive.metastore.local is really misnamed.
> local=true means communicate using datanucleus/JPOX and talking directly to
> the metastore.
> local=false means use thrift which is essentially a level of indirection.
> Talking about HiveService can confuse things because HiveService is a
different thrift interface.

You could be setup like this:

most people are setup like this:


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