Hi Mark,

When we load data into Hive, we use a staging table to dynamically partition 
our data. This might help you too.

We create our initial table and our staging table:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS staging_data;
CREATE TABLE staging_data ( ... )
CREATE TABLE data ( ... )
        PARTITIONED BY (dt STRING, hour, INT)

to_date(q.session_timestamp) AS dt, hour(q.session_timestamp) AS hour FROM 
staging_session q ORDER BY user_id DISTRIBUTE BY user_id;

By distributing by (and preferably ordering by) user_id, we can minimize seek 
time in the table because Hive knows where all entries pertaining to a specific 
user are stored. Partitions by time have the best performance, because chances 
are almost every query will have some time-related component in it (and it 
spreads out the data among partitions fairly well.)

Let me know if this works for you. We start every job with those first few 
lines of Hive script. It works well for us.


Travis Powell 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Grover [mailto:mgro...@oanda.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 12:39 PM
To: user@hive.apache.org
Cc: wd; Bob Tiernay; Baiju Devani
Subject: Re: Best practices for storing data on Hive

Thanks for the response, wd.

I would REALLY APPRECIATE if other people can share their views as well.

Here are the possible solutions that I have thought about to the problem 
(see original email for description of problem):

1) Multiple partitions: We would partition the table by day and userId. 
However, given the amount of users that visit our website (hundreds of 
thousands of unique users every day), this would lead to a large number 
of partitions (and rather small file sizes, ranging from a couple of 
bytes to a couple of KB). From the documentation I've read online, it 
seems that Hive/Hadoop weren't designed to deal with such small file 
sizes and such a situation should be avoided if possible.
We had a scenario previously where we were partitioning by day and hour 
and because of the sheer number of partitions queries like "select * 
from <table> LIMIT 1;" were taking very long and even failed because of 
"Java out of Heap space" errors. My guess is that the master node was 
munching through all these partitions and couldn't deal with the large 
number of partitions.

2) Use of data locality: We could keep the data partitioned by day and 
bucketed by userId. Within each bucket sort the data by the (userId, 
time). This way we could keep the data related to each userId together 
within a daily partition and if Hive could be made aware of this sorting 
order and could make use of this order to improve search/query times, 
that would alleviate the problem quite a bit. The big question here is: 
Does Hive leverage sorting order of data within a partition bucket when 
running (most/all?) queries, where possible?

3) Using an index: As wd mentioned, Hive 0.7 introduces the notion on an 
index. If I do index on userId, given that we can hundreds of thousands 
of unique users per day, would indexing prove to be a good move? Are 
there people who are using it for similar purposes or on a similar scale?

4) Using 2 "orthogonal tables": As mentioned in my original email (see 
below), we could have 2 independent tables, one which stores data 
partitioned by day and other partitioned by userId. For maintaining 
partitions in userId partitioned table, I am planning to do the following:
In the nightly job, if userId=X visited the website previous day, we 
create a partition for userId=X if it doesn't already exist. Once the 
partition is created, all clicks for that user Id on the day for in 
question are put in a single file and dropped in the userId=X folder on 
HDFS. This method could be used to simulate an "append" to the Hive 
table. The file would only be a few bytes to a few KB and the format of 
the table would be sequence file.

What are your thoughts about the above 4 methods? Any particular likes 
or dislikes? Any comments, suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you again in advance!


On 11-09-04 04:01 AM, wd wrote:
> Hive support more than one partitions, have your tried? Maybe you can
> create to partitions named as date and user.
> Hive 0.7 also support index, maybe you can have a try.
> On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Mark Grover<mgro...@oanda.com>  wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I am fairly new to Hive and am wondering if you could share some of the best 
>> practices for storing/querying data with Hive.
>> Here is an example of the problem I am trying to solve.
>> The traffic to our website is logged in files that contain information about 
>> clicks from various users.
>> Simplified, the log file looks like:
>> t_1, ip_1, userid_1
>> t_2, ip_2, userid_2
>> t_3, ip_3, userid_3
>> ...
>> where t_i represents time of the click, ip_i represents ip address where the 
>> click originated from, and userid_i represents the user ID of the user.
>> Since the clicks are logged on an ongoing basis, partitioning our Hive table 
>> by day seemed like the obvious choice. Every night we upload the data from 
>> the previous day into a new partition.
>> However, we would also want the capability to find all log lines 
>> corresponding to a particular user. With our present partitioning scheme, 
>> all day partitions are searched for that user ID but this takes a long time. 
>> I am looking for ideas/suggestions/thoughts/comments on how to reduce this 
>> time.
>> As a solution, I am thinking that perhaps we could have 2 independent 
>> tables, one which stores data partitioned by day and the other partitioned 
>> by userId. With the second table partitioned by userId, I will have to find 
>> some way of maintaining the partitions since Hive doesn't support appending 
>> of files. Also, this seems suboptimal, since we are doubling that the amount 
>> of data that we store. What do you folks think of this idea?
>> Do you have any other suggestions on how we can approach this problem?
>> What have other people in similar situations done? Please share.
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Mark

Mark Grover, Business Intelligence Analyst
OANDA Corporation

www: oanda.com www: fxtrade.com
e: mgro...@oanda.com

"Best Trading Platform" - World Finance's Forex Awards 2009.
"The One to Watch" - Treasury Today's Adam Smith Awards 2009.

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