Hi Bejoy.K.S

I can understand that we can create external table on hdfs, and we can also 
select/insert data for the external table. The question is I need to create the 
external table on a local fs, because there will be other applications access 
the data on local disk (and the applications are not allowed to access the 


From: Bejoy Ks [mailto:bejoy...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 7:46 PM
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: Re: We cannot insert data to external table right?

Hi Wei
       Definitely you can do it. And infact the purpose of external tables is 
to manage the data dir on their own instead of making hive manage the same. It 
is not just meant for reading  some already existing data on hdfs but also 
processing the same with hive QL. In the LOCATION try out specifying a hdfs dir 
rather than a local fs dir
Try out the same DDL with the following modification ...LOCATION '/dir/in/hdfs'

And for your question. Definitely you can insert  data into External Tables


From: hadoop hive <hadooph...@gmail.com>
To: user@hive.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: We cannot insert data to external table right?

But you can put the data at same place and read through hive (actually no need 
to insert data through table)
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Lu, Wei 
<w...@microstrategy.com<mailto:w...@microstrategy.com>> wrote:
Hi ,

Can we insert data to external hive tables?

1)    Create an external table
create external table binary_tbl_local(byt TINYINT, bl boolean, it int, lng 
BIGINT, flt float, dbl double, shrt SMALLINT, str string) row format serde 
'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.TypedBtesSerDe' stored as sequencefile 
location 'file:////home/wlu/hive_local';

/home/wlu/hive_local is empty, and I insert data to the external table:
2)    Insert data to the table
insert overwrite table binary_tbl_local select * from another_tbl_hdfs;

But there is still nothing under the local folder. And “select * from 
binary_tbl_local” returns no results.

So I guess we cannot insert data to external table right?


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