
Again, I do understand those two steps, and I do understand that I
have a lot of options of making them run in sequence, but from the
very beginning my point was to avoid having two steps. I want to have
a dataset in the hive warehouse that I could query at any time with
just a hive query without any preliminary imports/queries. So
implementing a custom UDF/InputFormat looks best for now except for
having too many rdbms connections (one connection per mapper as far as
I understand).


On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 6:04 AM, Bejoy KS <> wrote:
> Hi Ruslan
> The solution Esteban pointed out was
> 1. Import look up data from RDBMS to hdfs/hive (you can fire any adhoc query 
> here). If the data is just a few mbs one or two maps/connections are enough.
> 2. A look up on this smaller data can be achieved in terms of joining that 
> with larger table
> Now since the look up table is small, enable map joins so that the look up 
> table is in the distributed cache and that data is used by map tasks for join.
> The two sequential steps mentioned above can be scheduled using a workflow 
> manager as oozie.
> In simple terms you can place these steps in order in a shell script and just 
> execute the script.
> Regards
> Bejoy KS
> Sent from handheld, please excuse typos.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ruslan Al-Fakikh <>
> Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:40:36
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: Quering RDBMS table in a Hive query
> Hi Esteban,
> Your solution is what I am trying to avoid, having to keep the hdfs
> data up-to-date. I know I can easily schedule a dependency between the
> Sqoop import job and the hive query job and currently we have a
> scheduling tool (opswise) for such things. But what if I just want to
> run an ad hoc query and forget to re-import the lookup data, etc?
> Maybe there is a way to put the Sqoop import as a hook for a
> particular hive table making it run before every query?
> But I understand the problem of having too many connections. I would
> like to have it only once and distribute it over all the mappers in a
> distributed cache or something like it. Isn't there a way for it?
> Ruslan
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Esteban Gutierrez <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Ruslan,
>> Jan's approach sounds like a good workaround only if you can use the output
>> in a mapjoin, but I don't think it will scale nicely if you have a very
>> large number of  tasks since that will translate as  DB connections to
>> MySQL. I think a more scalable and reliable way is just to schedule an Oozie
>> workflow to transfer the data from MySQL to HDFS using Sqoop and trigger the
>> Hive query once the transfer was done.
>> cheers!
>> esteban.
>> --
>> Cloudera, Inc.
>> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Ruslan Al-Fakikh <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Jan
>>> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Jan Dolinár <> wrote:
>>> > On 6/15/12, Ruslan Al-Fakikh <> wrote:
>>> >> I didn't know InputFormat and LineReader could help, though I didn't
>>> >> look at them closely. I was thinking about implementing a
>>> >> Table-Generating Function (UDTF) if there is no an already implemented
>>> >> solution.
>>> >
>>> > Both is possible, InputFormat and/or UD(T)F. It all depends on what
>>> > you need. I actually use both - in Input format I load lists of
>>> > allowed values to check the data and in UDF I query some other
>>> > database for values necessary only in some queries. Generally, I'd use
>>> >  InputFormat for situations where all jobs over given table would
>>> > require the additional data from RDBMS. Oppositely, in situations
>>> > where only few jobs out of many requires the RDBMS connection, I would
>>> > use UDF.
>>> >
>>> > I think that the difference in performance between the two is rather
>>> > small, if any. Also UDF is easier to write, so it might be the "weapon
>>> > of choice", at least if you don't already use custom InputFormat.
>>> >
>>> > Jan

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