Bejoy, thanks again. This might be the silliest question but what are the keys 
in a hive query. Is it the fields we pick in select clause or the one we define 
with the group by clause.
Can you tell me what the keys will be for reducers for my query down below

       (id string,
       ts string,
       metric string,
       min double,
       max double,
       avg double,
       sum double,
       sample double,
        unit string)
       LOCATION 's3n://xxx/xxx/';

       (ts string,
       id string)

       (ts string,
       instancecount int)
       LOCATION 's3n://xxx/xx/xx/';

insert overwrite table range
       select from_unixtime
       ((unix_timestamp(ts, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") - ((unix_timestamp(ts, 
"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"))%600)),"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"),
       from extlog;

insert overwrite table timeline select ts,count(distinct id) from timelinerange 
group by ts;


From: ext Bejoy KS []
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: Obvious and not so obvious query optimzations in Hive

Hi Richin

The keys are chosen by hive based on the input unless you specify certain 
clauses as DISTRIBUTE BY in your query which gives the flexibility for user to 
decide on the key/columns the data has to be distributed across reducers.

You are right In MR if a reducer writes out no data then you should get an 
empty file. Need to check source code to see whether hive deletes those files.
Bejoy KS

Sent from handheld, please excuse typos.
From: <<>>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 19:23:46 +0000
To: <<>>
Subject: RE: Obvious and not so obvious query optimzations in Hive

Thanks Nitin.
Depending on how I design my keys they might go to one or more reducers, but 
shouldn't I be seeing empty files for the reducers which did not get any data 
to reduce (because of the design of keys) ?
Or does hive clean all the empty files at the end of the query?


From: ext Nitin Pawar 
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: Obvious and not so obvious query optimzations in Hive


even if you set number of reducers to be launched it does not guarantee u to 
that it will generate those many files.

based on your query and data only the reducers which got keys to process will 
generate the files
so when you have hive query with large number of keys but with lesser number in 
spilt size it will need large maps but then reducers will always depend on the 
keys emitted by the mappers and all the extra reducers will be a burden to the 
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 12:40 AM, 
<<>> wrote:
Igor,Bejoy - thanks a lot, that helps.

He, I am running the query on Amazon EMR cluster and based on the type of 
instances I pick, default number of mappers and reducers are set. Now I would 
expect Hive to generate that many number of output files as there are number of 
reducers (since I am not using order by clause or setting it explicitly). If 
Hive is setting lower number of reducers for itself than there is no point 
using a high end EMR cluster and pay for it.
Also I can only set number of reduce tasks explicitly through  SET 
mapred.reduce.tasks = ... , how to set number of reducers itself? I am confused 
between number of reduce tasks and reducers, can you please explain?


If you are optimizing for latency (running time) as opposed to throughput, it's 
best to have a single "wave" of reducers. So if your cluster is setup with a 
limit of, say, 2 reducers per node using 2*N reduce tasks would work best (for 
large queries). You have to specify that in your script using
SET mapred.reduce.tasks = ...;

GroupBy doesn't limit the number of reducers but OrderBy does use a single 
reducer - so that's slow. I never use OrderBy though (Unix's sort is probably 
faster). For analytics queries I need Distribute/Sort By (with UDFs), which can 
use multiple reducers.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:47 AM, 
<<>> wrote:
5.       How are number of reducers get set for a Hive query (The way group by 
and order by sets the number of reducers to 1) ? If I am not changing it 
explicitly does it pick it from the underlying Hadoop cluster? I am trying to 
understand the bottleneck between query and cluster size.
-----Original Message-----
From: ext yongqiang he 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Obvious and not so obvious query optimzations in Hive

1.       Having my external table data gzipped and reading it in the
table v/s no compression at all.

You may want GZip your data since it is offline. But space is not a concern and 
you want to optimize CPU, use snappy.

With snappy, there is no reason to go with no compression.

3.       Creating intermediate external tables v/s non external tables
v/s creating views?

First go with normal tables. External tables are hard to manage.
Views are there for complex things which are hard to do with 'managed table'.

4.       Storing the external table as Textfile v/s Sequence file. I
know sequence file compresses the data, but in what format? I read about RC 
files and how efficient they are, how to use them?

rcfile if you query your data with Hive. 'create table xxx(xxx) stored as 

5.       How are number of reducers get set for a Hive query (The way
group by and order by sets the number of reducers to 1) ? If I am not changing 
it explicitly does it pick it from the underlying Hadoop cluster? I am trying 
to understand the bottleneck between query and cluster size.

Can you say more about your concern about "query and cluster size"?

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Bejoy KS 
<<>> wrote:
> Hi Richin
> I'm not an AWS guy but still lemme try answering a few questions in
> general (not wrt AWS EMR)
> 1.       Having my external table data gzipped and reading it in the
> table v/s no compression at all.
> Bejoy: When the data volume is large compression saves up the disk
> space and hence it is recommended. Gzip is not splittable, means one
> file can't be distributed across map tasks. Go in with Lzo or Snappy.
> 2.       Having the external table data on S3 v/s having it on HDFS?
> 3.       Creating intermediate external tables v/s non external tables
> v/s creating views?
> Bejoy: External Tables are not much different than managed tables. In
> managed tables when you drop the table using HQL the underlying data
> in hdfs is also deleted but in case of External tables only the table
> defn is dropped and the data in hdfs is preserved. Views are not
> evaluated on its creation time, but when it is used MR jobs are
> triggered and the required data is extracted out of source tables. So
> if you are planning to reuse a view n number of times it'll be better
> creating a table and using it else the view query will be evaluated n times.
> 4.       Storing the external table as Textfile v/s Sequence file. I
> know sequence file compresses the data, but in what format? I read
> about RC files and how efficient they are, how to use them?
> Bejoy: Sequence files are splitable on its own so it is a good choice
> when using with Snappy. In sequence file, compression happens either
> at record level or block level which is configurable at the time of
> compressing. If you are using Gzip, TextFiles offer more compression
> ratio as the whole data is compressed in a go compared with Sequence
> files where it happens per record/block. But then you compromise on
> splitability. RC files are a good choice when your queries involve
> querying only a few columns rather than all columns in a row.
> 5.       How are number of reducers get set for a Hive query (The way
> group by and order by sets the number of reducers to 1) ? If I am not
> changing it explicitly does it pick it from the underlying Hadoop
> cluster? I am trying to understand the bottleneck between query and cluster 
> size.
> Bejoy: Some queries in hive are forced to have just a single reducer
> like Order By. In case of other queries hive determines the number of 
> reducers.
> However you can always specify the number of reducer on a per query
> basis based on the data it process.
> 6.       Any other optimizations/ best practices?
> Bejoy: There are lots of other optimizations in hive which can be
> injected based on the query. There are various join optimizations,
> group by optimizations etc suited for specific needs.
> Regards
> Bejoy KS
> Sent from handheld, please excuse typos.
> ________________________________
> From: <<>>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 15:47:54 +0000
> To: <<>>
> ReplyTo:<>
> Subject: Obvious and not so obvious query optimzations in Hive
> Hey Hivers,
> I am trying to understand what are some of the obvious and not so
> obvious optimization I could do for a Hive Query on AWS EMR cluster. I
> know the answer for some of these questions but want to know what do
> you guys think and by what factor it affects the performance over the other 
> approach.
> 1.       Having my external table data gzipped and reading it in the
> table v/s no compression at all.
> 2.       Having the external table data on S3 v/s having it on HDFS?
> 3.       Creating intermediate external tables v/s non external tables
> v/s creating views?
> 4.       Storing the external table as Textfile v/s Sequence file. I
> know sequence file compresses the data, but in what format? I read
> about RC files and how efficient they are, how to use them?
> 5.       How are number of reducers get set for a Hive query (The way
> group by and order by sets the number of reducers to 1) ? If I am not
> changing it explicitly does it pick it from the underlying Hadoop
> cluster? I am trying to understand the bottleneck between query and cluster 
> size.
> 6.       Any other optimizations/ best practices?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Richin

Nitin Pawar

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