And now I have to apologize. I was one version late for hive (0.8.1). And
the version 0.9 does include HWI with bootstrap. The jira must be
misleading or I don't understand what the issue is about...


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Bertrand Dechoux <>wrote:

> Great answer. Thanks a lot.
> 1) I understand the concern with branches but I quickly reviewed the
> change for 0.9.1 and not everything seemed to be a bug patch.
> So I thought : why not ask about HIVE-2910.
> 2) I wasn't sure about that, it seems logical though. That's a great news.
> I will definitely try using the upgraded war. And that indeed would solve
> my problem.
> 3) The demography of users have changed, maybe not the persons themselves.
> Right now I prefer the CLI but I can't allow everybody to do the same.
> 4) The priority depends on the users. I understand your point, however my
> concern now is to allow multiple users to 'poke' huge files easily. With
> that point of view, HWI is critical.
> Thanks again for the well constructed feedback.
> Bertrand
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Edward Capriolo <>wrote:
>> Generally we only apply patches to trunk. Thus maintaining branches
>> becomes to much trouble for us. You have to remember that most hive
>> major versions have no actual major changes. Most everything is hidden
>> behind a query language. The only changes that have to be done
>> carefully are changes to the metastore that add things like views or
>> security.
>> As for HIVE-2910, again this change made no changes to any core code.
>> HWI tries hard not to touch internals. As result I am almost 100%
>> positive you can replace hive-hwi-0.9.0.war with hive-hwi-0.10.0.war
>> in your hive lib directory, so you really do not need to wait for a
>> release just to get the new HWI.
>> As for improving HWI, hwi is a funny story. The open source hive had
>> no web interface, at the time the type of users that were into hive
>> and hadoop (since it was so new) where hardcore coders and distributed
>> systems experts. Those types do not typically use web interfaces. Fast
>> forward to now and EVERYONE and their grandmother uses hadoop and
>> suddenly web interfaces are actually an important selling point!
>> (I wrote hwi btw) In hive I have moved onto writing UDFs,
>> StorageHandlers, InputFormats, and doing patch reviews. The web
>> interface is low hanging fruit. If anyone wants to add a feature to
>> HWI (like the bootstrap one or others), open a jira and I will
>> promptly review and commit. Much like the features in the CLI
>> (autocomplete and .hiverc) they did not get better magically, but they
>> are again easy low hanging fruit that almost any coded can take care
>> of.
>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Bertrand Dechoux <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Here is my stand. Hive provides a dsl to easily explore data contained
>> in
>> > hadoop with limited experience with java and MapReduce.
>> > And Hive Web Interface provides an easy exposition : users need only a
>> > browser and the hadoop cluster can be well 'fire-walled' because the
>> > communication is only through http.
>> >
>> > I saw the work of HIVE-2910. Of course, it could still be improved. But
>> it
>> > was needed and it is a great first step. I don't see it as a minor
>> > improvement. That is a great way for promoting the HWI.
>> > As such, I think it is a shame the patch was only applied for the 0.10
>> > version and not for the 0.9.1. Is there any reason for that? Is there
>> any
>> > change that it could be added to the 0.9.0? Do you have any estimate
>> for the
>> > release date of the 0.9.1 version?
>> >
>> > Of course, there is at least an alternative : Beeswax within Hue but
>> CDH is
>> > a big dependency that can not just be added because the end user
>> requires a
>> > decent interface.
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance for all feedback
>> >
>> > Bertrand
> --
> Bertrand Dechoux

Bertrand Dechoux

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