Thanks John. 
Is there a way to do this is excel since I am outputting the table data in csv 
format (using macros or something else)?


-----Original Message-----
From: ext John Meagher [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: Converting rows into dynamic colums in Hive

R is another programming language geared to statistical analysis.  It has some 
features that make it easy to write this sort of data manipulation.

Here's a sample R function that does something similar to what you need (note: 
I'm not a real R programmer, so this might be ugly, but it

abCountsToMatrix <- function(csvFilename, outputmatrixfile){

   data <- read.csv(csvFilename,, check.names=F, header=F)
   cat("Loaded", nrow(data), "rows.\n")
   idrows <- sort(unique(c(data[ , 1])))
   idcols <- sort(unique(c(data[ , 2])))

   cat("Found", length(idrows), " X ", length(idcols), ".")
   output <- array(0, c(length(idrows), length(idcols)))
   rownames(output) <- idrows
   colnames(output) <- idcols

   for(i in 1:nrow(data)){

     if (i %% 100 == 0) {
       cat("On ", i, " of ", nrow(data), "\n")

     rowidx <- which(idrows == data[i, 1])
     colidx <- which(idcols == data[i, 2])

     count <- data[i,3]

     output[rowidx, colidx] <- count

   write.csv(output, file=outputmatrixfile, quote=F)


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:58 PM,  <> wrote:
> John,
> What is R?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext John Meagher []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Converting rows into dynamic colums in Hive
> I don't think having dynamic columns is possible in Hive.  I've always output 
> from Hive a structure like your query output and used R to convert it into a 
> dynamic column structure.
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:56 PM,  <> wrote:
>> Thanks Ashish, that gives an idea.
>> But I am not sure about the outer select loop, I have to know all the 
>> values in Beta column beforehand to do a max on each value.
>> Is there a better way?
>> Richin
>> From: ext Ashish Thusoo []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Converting rows into dynamic colums in Hive
>> you should be able to do this in hive using a group by on alpha and 
>> then using a combination of the max and if statement... something on 
>> the following lines
>> select alpha, max(abc), max(pqr), ...
>> (
>>   select alpha, if (beta == 'abc', Gamma, NULL) as abc, if (beta == 
>> 'pqr', Gamma, NUL) as pqr, ....
>>   from table
>> )
>> group by alpha
>> something on those lines...
>> Ashish
>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:57 PM, <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> One of my Query output looks like-
>> Alpha                    Beta                       Gamma
>> 123                         xyz                         1.0
>> 123                         abc                         0.5
>> 123                         pqr                         1.3
>> 123                         def                         2.1
>> 456                         xyz                         0.1
>> 456                         abc                         0.6
>> 456                         pqr                         1.9
>> 456                         def                         3.2
>> 456                         lmn                        1.1
>> 456                         sdf                          1.2
>> I want the output for the data visualization purpose to look like 
>> (basically taking rows from one table and making it column in another
>> table)
>> Alpha                    xyz         abc         pqr         def         lmn
>> sdf
>> 123                         1.0          0.5          1.3          2.1
>> 456                         0.1          0.6          1.9          3.2
>> 1.1          1.2
>> Question - Can it be done in Hive? If not, any suggestions.
>> Thanks,
>> Richin

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