How about setting it to /dev/null . Not sure if that would help in your
case. Just an hack.


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Bing Li <> wrote:

> Hi, all
> Refer to, if
> I set "hive.querylog.location" to an empty string, it won't create
> structured log.
> I filed hive-site.xml in HIVE_HOME/conf and add the following setting,
> <property>
>   <name>hive.querylog.location</name>
>   <value></value>
> </property>
> BUT it didn't work, when launch HIVE_HOME/bin/hive, it created a history
> file in /tmp/<> which is the default directory of this property.
> Do you know how to set an EMPTY value in hive-site.xml?
> Thanks,
> - Bing

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