That is a good way to do it. We do it with comment sometimes.

select /* myid bla bla*/ x,y,z


On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Gabor Makrai <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We solved this problem in the following way (this is really not a simple
> solution):
> - start hive query in a different thread
> - we generated an unique id for the query and used the SET key=value;
> command (before the long query command) to give this unique id to the MR
> jobs related to the query
> - main thread waits for the completion or the cancellation sign (comes from
> the gui or anywhere else)
> - if cancellation sign comes, then we will kill the running query through
> the JobTracker
>   - list all jobs and search the job which contains the previously
> configured unique id
>   - kill that job
>   - that will cause exception on the query thread
> It's a little bit ugly, but thrift doesn't support async communication and
> so "statement.cancel()" function can't be supported/implemented.
> Gabor
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Nitin Pawar <> wrote:
>> hive waits till the hadoop job is completed. so unless you kill the job of
>> jdbc connection is dropped I don't see any other way to reduce the load on
>> application.
>> best when you think its  long enough, you will need to find a way to kill
>> the hadoop job. That will automatically release the resources in the
>> pipeline
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Kugathasan Abimaran
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Are there anyways to close the long running hive query through hive-jdbc?
>>> Since when ever Hive hangs, my application also hang, So I want to close the
>>> hive connection forcefully after a certain time.
>>> --
>>> Thanks,
>>> With Regards,
>>> Abimaran
>> --
>> Nitin Pawar

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