Thank you for your answer Nitin.
Does anyone have additional insight into this? will be greatly appreciated.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Nitin Pawar <> wrote:

> you dont really need subqueries to join the tables which have common
> columns. Its an additional overhead
> best way to filter your data and speed up your data processing is how you
> layout your data
> When you have larger table I will use partitioning and bucketing to trim
> down the data and improve the performances over joins
> distribute by is mainly used when you have your custom map reduce scripts
> and you want to use transform functionality in hive. I have not used it a
> lot so not sure on that part. also its helpful to write where clauses in
> join statements to reduce the dataset you want to join.
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Gabi D <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have two tables I need to join and then summarize.
>> They are both huge (about 1B rows each, in the relevant partitions) and
>> the query runs for over 2 hours creating 5T intermediate data.
>> The current query looks like this:
>> select t1.b,t1.c,t2.d,t2.e, count(*)
>> from (select a,b,c    from table baseTB1 where ... ) t1  -- filter by
>> partition as well
>>   join
>>         (select a,d,e from baseTB2 where ...) t2    -- filter by
>> partition as well
>> on t1.a=t2.a
>> group by t1.b,t1.c,t2.d,t2.e
>> two questions:
>> 1. would joining baseTB1 and baseTB2 directly (instead of subqueries) be
>> better in any way?
>>           (I know subqueries cause a lot of writes of the intermediate
>> data but we also understand it's best to filter down the data that is being
>> joined, which is "more" correct?)
>> 2. can I use 'distribute by ' and/or 'sort by' in some way that would
>> help this? my understanding at the moment is that the problem lies in the
>> fact
>> that the reduces are on column a while the group by is on column b ...
>> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> --
> Nitin Pawar

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