
How does hive interpret the complex datatpes (my own class) in the sequence 
file, say i have my own complex datatype (my own class) as the value written in 
the Sequence File.
How do I make Hive read this, read it as corresponding columns.

For Ex. I have this sequence file writeen as hadoop writable on HDFS with 

100    One, two, buckle my shoe
99      Three, four, shut the door
98      Five, six, pick up sticks

Now in Hive, i create a external table,

1.create external table seqExampleMap (number map<STRING,STRING>) row format 
delimited fields terminated by ' ' STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE location 

How do I say that "One" is the key and "two, buckle my shoe" is the value in 
the map number created above?

Please suggest



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