select * from table is as good as hdfs -cat

are you sure there is any data in the table?

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Sunita Arvind <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am able to parse the input JSON file and load it into hive. I do not see
> any errors with create table, so I am assuming that. But when I try to read
> the data, I get null
> hive> select * from jobs;
> OK
> null
> I have validated the JSON with JSONLint and Notepad++ JSON plugin and it
> is a valid JSON. Here is my create table statement and attached is the
> json input file.
> create external table jobs (
> jobs STRUCT<
> values : ARRAY<STRUCT<
> company : STRUCT<
> id : STRING,
> name : STRING>,
> postingDate : STRUCT<
> year : INT,
> day : INT,
> month : INT>,
> descriptionSnippet : STRING,
> expirationDate : STRUCT<
> year : INT,
> day : INT,
> month : INT>,
> position : STRUCT<
> title : STRING,
> jobFunctions : ARRAY<STRUCT<
> code : STRING,
> name : STRING>>,
> industries : ARRAY<STRUCT<
> code : STRING,
> id : STRING,
> name : STRING>>,
> jobType : STRUCT<
> code : STRING,
> name : STRING>,
> experienceLevel : STRUCT<
> code : STRING,
> name : STRING>>,
> id : STRING,
> customerJobCode : STRING,
> skillsAndExperience : STRING,
> salary : STRING,
> jobPoster : STRUCT<
> id : STRING,
> firstName : STRING,
> lastName : STRING,
> headline : STRING>,
> referralBonus : STRING,
> locationDescription : STRING>>>
>  )
> ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.cloudera.hive.serde.JSONSerDe'
> LOCATION '/user/sunita/tables/jobs';
> The table creation works fine, but when I attempt to query, I get null as
> the result.
> I tried adding Input/Output formats, Serde Properties, nothing seems to
> impact.
> I am of the opinion that the libraries cannot handle this level of nesting
> and I probably will have to write a custom serde or a parser myself. Just
> wanted to seek guidance before I get into that. Appreciate your help and
> guidance.
> regards
> Sunita

Nitin Pawar

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