Hello ma'am,

      Hive queries are parsed using ANTLR <http://www.antlr.org/> and and
are converted into corresponding MR jobs(actually a lot of things happen
under the hood). I had answered a similar
days ago on SO, you might find it helpful. But I would suggest you to
go through the original
paper<http://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs227/papers/hive.pdf>which explains
all these things in proper detail. I would also recommend
you to go through the book "Programming Hive". It's really nice.


Warm Regards,

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 4:24 AM, Bharati <bharati.ad...@mparallelo.com>wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I am new to hive and need information, tutorials etc that you can point
> to. I have installed hive to work with MySQL.
>  I can run queries. Now I would like to understand how the map and reduce
> classes are created and how I can look at the data for the map job and map
> class the hive query generates.  Also is there a way to create custom map
> classes.
> I would appreciate if anyone can help me get started.
> Thanks,
> Bharati
> Sent from my iPad
> Fortigate Filtered

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