
I've booked this on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-5056
and attached patch for it.

It needs full test for confirmation but you can try it.


2013/8/11  <wzc1...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all:
> when I change the table alias dim_pay_date to A, the query pass in hive
> 0.11(https://gist.github.com/code6/6187569#file-hive11_auto_convert_join_change_alias_pass):
> use test;
> create table if not exists src ( `key` int,`val` string);
> load data local inpath '/Users/code6/git/hive/data/files/kv1.txt' overwrite
> into table src;
> drop table if exists orderpayment_small;
> create table orderpayment_small (`dealid` int,`date` string,`time` string,
> `cityid` int, `userid` int);
> insert overwrite table orderpayment_small select 748, '2011-03-24',
> '2011-03-24', 55 ,5372613 from src limit 1;
> drop table if exists user_small;
> create table user_small( userid int);
> insert overwrite table user_small select key from src limit 100;
> set hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size = 200;
>      `A`.`date`
>     , `deal`.`dealid`
> FROM `orderpayment_small` `orderpayment`
> JOIN `orderpayment_small` `A` ON `A`.`date` = `orderpayment`.`date`
> JOIN `orderpayment_small` `deal` ON `deal`.`dealid` =
> `orderpayment`.`dealid`
> JOIN `orderpayment_small` `order_city` ON `order_city`.`cityid` =
> `orderpayment`.`cityid`
> JOIN `user_small` `user` ON `user`.`userid` = `orderpayment`.`userid`
> limit 5;
> It's quite strange and interesting now. I will keep searching for the answer
> to this issue.
> 在 2013年8月9日星期五,上午3:32,wzc1...@gmail.com 写道:
> Hi all:
> I'm currently testing hive11 and encounter one bug with
> hive.auto.convert.join, I construct a testcase so everyone can reproduce
> it(or you can reach the testcase
> here:https://gist.github.com/code6/6187569#file-hive11_auto_convert_join_bug):
> use test;
> create table src ( `key` int,`val` string);
> load data local inpath '/Users/code6/git/hive/data/files/kv1.txt' overwrite
> into table src;
> drop table if exists orderpayment_small;
> create table orderpayment_small (`dealid` int,`date` string,`time` string,
> `cityid` int, `userid` int);
> insert overwrite table orderpayment_small select 748, '2011-03-24',
> '2011-03-24', 55 ,5372613 from src limit 1;
> drop table if exists user_small;
> create table user_small( userid int);
> insert overwrite table user_small select key from src limit 100;
> set hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size = 200;
>      `dim_pay_date`.`date`
>     , `deal`.`dealid`
> FROM `orderpayment_small` `orderpayment`
> JOIN `orderpayment_small` `dim_pay_date` ON `dim_pay_date`.`date` =
> `orderpayment`.`date`
> JOIN `orderpayment_small` `deal` ON `deal`.`dealid` =
> `orderpayment`.`dealid`
> JOIN `orderpayment_small` `order_city` ON `order_city`.`cityid` =
> `orderpayment`.`cityid`
> JOIN `user_small` `user` ON `user`.`userid` = `orderpayment`.`userid`
> limit 5;
> You should replace the path of kv1.txt by yourself. You can run the above
> query in hive 0.11 and it will fail with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, You
> can see the explain result and the console output of the query here :
> https://gist.github.com/code6/6187569
> I compile the trunk code but it doesn't work with this query. I can run this
> query in hive 0.9 with hive.auto.convert.join turns on.
> I try to dig into this problem and I think it may be caused by the map join
> optimization. Some adjacent operators aren't match for the input/output
> tableinfo(column positions diff).
> I'm not able to fix this bug and I would appreciate it if someone would like
> to look into this problem.
> Thanks.

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